Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Back to school (finally)!

This is a spider from Thailand. It's a little bigger than it looks because my hand is NOT really next to it. I killed 4 of these in our bathroom in the first place we stayed. It's more like killing a rat than killing a bug...And those long legs make them FAST. Yuk.

We had a staff meeting last night, the first working day since December 23. Classes start Wednesday, so I have today to prepare. That's China! I will have to travel to An Ning on Mondays and Wednesdays this semester. It's a 25-minute bike ride to school, I will catch the bus to An Ning (1 hour), teach, and then catch the bus back to Kunming at 6, get on the bike at 7 and hope to be home before 8. I will have to get creative about how to make the travel time productive. The class in Kunming is Business English and I had them last semester. I enjoy them very much. My students in An Ning will all be new.

Savana headed back to Wenshan this morning at 7am. Every time she leaves to head down there, I feel likes it's a foreshadowing of our 'empty nest.' Definitely mixed feelings. Great for them, a little sad for us.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Savana scholarship: Stumping for votes!

Happy Valentine's Day! Not really celebrated here in China in case you were wondering... Bobbie's back to teaching a week already and Savana & Lexi are working on college scholarship applications! Hard to believe it's already 'that time.' Savana has been accepted to Azusa Pacific and Lexi has been accepted to King's College in New York. They have also applied to California State Schools & the UC system, and are already enrolled at a Junior College back home. But the Christian colleges are highest on their list. One way you could help: Savana has applied for a scholarship that requires on-line voting to move to the final round. She wrote a brief essay (had to be 300 words or less) about her work with the kids in Wen Shan this year. Two clicks would really help us! First click here to see the essay: http://www.wyzant.com/scholarships/v2/essay43548-Redwood_City-CA.aspx Then click to vote. Thanks!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Riding Elephants in Thailand

Lotus and Elephants! Two of my favorite things.

One of the best parts of Thailand was getting to ride elephants! So amazing. I rode an elephant once as a little girl when the circus came to Prescott, and I think I realized then what a rare opportunity it was. And ever since it always stuck in my head how surprised I was that they were so hairy! Something I guess you only know if you have the chance to get close to one.

I always wonder about the first person who had the audacity to swing up on a elephant or a horse for the first time. Man is audacious for sure! Riding an elephant is not like riding horse! With each swaggering deep step you feel like you are going to plummet to the ground because their shoulder blades drop about two feet with each step. I guess that's why the trainers ride so close to the head.

An experience of a lifetime! We will have to share about Marway the monkey in another blog....

Monday, February 6, 2012

Thailand Mangrove Jungle and Fishing Village

Blue crab
Mangroves, simply amazing
Friendly happy fishermen!

Mending the nets before heading out to sea
village on the water

We had an amazing trip walking through the Mangroves above water on a wooden path and boating up through a fishing village. Surreal, felt like what I always imagined Vietnam to look like.
It was a peek into the local's lives way off the beaten path. The Thai are so friendly and have a quick smile. I really like the feel of Thailand because it reminds me so much of California. It's a beach community. People are more kicked back and easy going.
I never had a desire to visit Thailand, but I would return in a heart beat. If you have the chance go! So many German and French flock to Thailand, it is crazy. By far the most international city I have been to thus far.
The weather is awesome, all the western conventions a person could want but, still Asia. AND clean clean clean!
We went to the dentist one day and the dentist office was in the hospital. Excellent dental care! I highly recommend canceling your dental insurance (if you have it) and buy a plane ticket to Thailand and have all the dental and medical care you need taken care of there! Cheap and excellent care.
While I was in this spic n span hospital I walked into the bathroom and slipped and fell, what felt like 50 feet across the floor!! Ouch! It was so clean I could not tell the floor was wet! I sat there dazed on the floor for a few minutes, wondering if I was going to need to be admitted. So thankful I did not really injure myself. Just a sprain and a few bruises.
Well, we got back to Kunming last night and it is the last night of Chinese New Year. It will be a night filled with fire works. There is a lantern festival at a nearby park tonight, so much is happening in China too! Is is the year of the dragon. So happy New Year of the Dragon! It is reported between Jan 8-22, 80 million traveled by train to return home (most likely) to celebrate the new year with family. Wow!

I decided I am going to start teaching you Chinese, so here is your first word:

long(first tone) dragon

anybody out there still reading our sporadic blog??