Today I ventured out on my own to jewelry class. I made my first sterling silver pendant! It took me 4 hours, but what fun!
During class I met a woman from England and had lunch with her during our break. She is in Thailand traveling by herself and just arrived after a bicycling trip in Myanmar for 2 weeks. Wow! Brave interesting woman.
Later my friend and I met up after her pottery class to hunt down some unique stones and beads and had great success. So excited to put some of these pieces together. On our way to dinner we got in a song taw (Thai taxi) and met 2 Buddhist monks. One of the monks was studying English and was very happy to practice with us. We learned some interesting facts. Buddhist Monks are not allowed to ever touch women (including their mother), eat dinner, drink alcohol or smoke. It was difficult to understand everything, but apparently if any or these rules are broken they are sent to the roof for a period of 4 months?
I am very surprised to discover the diversity of religion in Thailand here on this trip. On the plane ride over, a Mong Jehovah Witness woman asked me to help her locate the gate to her connecting flight. I was happy to help her, but in the end she helped me! She was in route to Chiang Mai, and I was flying Bangkok to Chiangmai. So during our flight to Seoul I asked the flight attendant if I could catch the flight to Chiang Mai instead. Korean Air was very happy to accommodate me. Good to know right? Even while you are in the air, you can change your connecting flight!
It was quite comical as one of the flight attendants escorted me to the transfer gate to get my new ticket and to the gate of departure all with in 1 hour and 15 minutes. He was running ahead of me with my suitcase, and I was doing my best to keep up with him in my flip flops!
During class I met a woman from England and had lunch with her during our break. She is in Thailand traveling by herself and just arrived after a bicycling trip in Myanmar for 2 weeks. Wow! Brave interesting woman.
Later my friend and I met up after her pottery class to hunt down some unique stones and beads and had great success. So excited to put some of these pieces together. On our way to dinner we got in a song taw (Thai taxi) and met 2 Buddhist monks. One of the monks was studying English and was very happy to practice with us. We learned some interesting facts. Buddhist Monks are not allowed to ever touch women (including their mother), eat dinner, drink alcohol or smoke. It was difficult to understand everything, but apparently if any or these rules are broken they are sent to the roof for a period of 4 months?
I am very surprised to discover the diversity of religion in Thailand here on this trip. On the plane ride over, a Mong Jehovah Witness woman asked me to help her locate the gate to her connecting flight. I was happy to help her, but in the end she helped me! She was in route to Chiang Mai, and I was flying Bangkok to Chiangmai. So during our flight to Seoul I asked the flight attendant if I could catch the flight to Chiang Mai instead. Korean Air was very happy to accommodate me. Good to know right? Even while you are in the air, you can change your connecting flight!
It was quite comical as one of the flight attendants escorted me to the transfer gate to get my new ticket and to the gate of departure all with in 1 hour and 15 minutes. He was running ahead of me with my suitcase, and I was doing my best to keep up with him in my flip flops!