Friday, June 12, 2015

The young and poor are at greatest risk for human trafficking

Instead of pesticide, this young man is catching grasshoppers with his net to protect the crops

Sometimes things are not as they seem, this little boy was trying to sell me flowers, but I'm not convinced he was doing this of his own free will.

It is heartbreaking how simple it can be to trick the poor or young into the sex trade. It is hard to believe this goes on around the world. With promises of a good paying job in the big city, a young village girl can easily be lured in hopes of providing for her family.

Children can easily be lured by candy or a ride to see a family member. For that matter it is not uncommon for family to act as the trafficker. When circumstances are desperate and you live in abject poverty, you might reach for the unimaginable. Even some teachers and principals are trafficking children from the very school they are working for.

Or what if you weren’t able to catch enough grasshoppers for a day’s work and you go without pay again. How much lower can you sink? So when an offer comes along for a bigger better job, you might just go along for the ride. A ride you never thought possible, a ride difficult to return from.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Cooking in the Slums of Bangkok

Bangkok Slums

Cooking School in Bangkok Slums

During our last trip to Thailand in September, we attended a cooking school in Bangkok. We were very impressed with innovative ways people were trying to raise the standard of living in the slums. We wanted to experience the cooking school to consider it as an idea for men and women coming out of trafficking to start as a new business.
This particular school was called "Cooking with Poo"! Poo is the name of woman who started the school. Yes, we all wore aprons that read, "I cooked with Poo."
Bangkok Market
They took us to the markets first which was very educational, and then to the school to cook. We highly recommend it!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Worldsong Training now a 501c3 non-profit organization

We are so happy to announce that Worldsong Training is officially a 501c3 non-profit organization! It has been a long road, but well worth it.
Here are two lovely ladies that designed and made these bracelets during our last visit to Pattaya Thailand. The joy on their faces as they create their own designs and proudly wear their pieces is priceless!
We will be returning to Thailand the end of July to continue training men and women coming out human trafficking in a variety of areas. We are so excited as things move forward with the help of our faithful supporters.
Thailand is full of beautiful sights, amazing food and lovely people. We will keep you posted along our journey.