Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Welcome to the War Zone

Chun Jie Kuai Le! In other words, Happy Chinese New Year. It’s New Year’s Eve and we’ve been warned we won’t get any sleep tonight. These stands are EVERYWHERE. Fireworks have already been going off for several days but I understand it will start getting really crazy tonight.

Wyatt has already been enjoying fireworks that you could never get in California and it’s been a bridge for him to make Chinese friends, which has been one of his biggest desires for his time here.

These are what I used to call ‘block mortars.’ They shoot about 10 stories up and explode, sort of like mini commercial grade fireworks. They were exploding right outside our window last night. We are on the 7th floor so a pretty good (and loud view).

We’ll let you know if we survive. I think Wyatt and I are going to the park tonight and join the fun. I need earplugs and probably full body armor.

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