Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cliff Dwellers

This weekend all the kids went to the yearly youth retreat. This was Wyatt's team in a pyramid. I was in charge of this game for 2 1/2 hours under a palm tree on a sandy beach. Who knew??? Quite nice. I sat and relaxed until another team came racing up for instructions for the scavenger hunt and then made them form pyramids for one afternoon. They stayed at this resort for the weekend, and it was awesome to hear what happened during their weekend away. The title of the retreat was called "Transformed".
Meanwhile Jeff and I ventured across a lake and up a mountainside in Kunming. It was beautiful and I had no idea this was here. You may notice in the picture that it drops off quite drastically. We hiked up a path, and along the way on the "drop off" side many vendors were set up. It was quite unnerving. At one point I really though I was going to have a heart attack when we saw a mother nursing her baby on a two foot ledge that dropped off into sure death. My stomach was flipping and I held tight to Jeff hoping that I was vicariously securing the mother and child in safety.
It made me think of "cliff dwellers" I read about growing up in AZ and mountain goats. IT MADE ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE! How could they all survive. The Chinese never cease to amaze me. They make life happen anywhere in any condition. Not to mention the slippery trail I was slipping on in my "tennis shoes" the women were commanding for a good mile or two in their high heels! Amazing. They must have hind's feet for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing !
    As is SO much in China
    Love to ALL !!
