Monday, April 25, 2011

A Different Kind of Week

A Different Kind of Week

There are good weeks and there are hard weeks here. This past week was definitely one of the most difficult. Friends under hs arr_st, and a friend ab_sed have downcast my spirit for sure. Feeling helpless, yet there is one greater even than all my thoughts of bravado.

It seems timely that yesterday I would be enlightened on some of the butchering happening in the neighborhood. For 6-7 months now, every single morning about 7:00am we here the most disturbing noise. At first I thought it was a dog hit by a car or being beaten. But, since it happened every morning I started to think it was just a dog with a hideous bark. Now I realize it is the sound of the pigs screaming while being butchered. E-v-e-r-y single day……. Just can’t get used to it.

You may or may not know that the Chinese eat a lot of dog. Apparently they take to torturing the dogs before they kill it because this releases adrenaline that gives the meat a better taste. All this and more I learned on Easter Sunday. I’m sure this may be hard to read. It’s hard to be in a foreign land experiencing it, yet it is just the way of life for the locals.

So much to learn, and so many ways to grow. I am grateful for the 7 months of ignorance!



1 comment:

  1. Hard to imagine, you are in our thoughts. Do not lose hope and forget our true home. We all live in a foreign land. One day we will see our true home where there will be no more pain or suffering. Your family is loved.
