Monday, May 2, 2011


The college took Wyatt and I back to the minority village on Saturday, which we went to before with Ben & David. We were there all day and saw some parts we had missed. Lexi & Bobbie were getting ready for Shanghai and Savana was getting over a bad cold (she's better now).

Maybe Savana would've been well sooner if she'd had some of this medicine. If you click on the picture to get a closer look, you will see that the jar is full of dead snakes. And yes, that's a spigot on the bottom. This little room reminded me of medicine wagons of the 19th century (or the Pete's Dragon song "Every Little Piece"). Snake parts will heal you of everything and keep you looking young!

There were also live snakes in many glass cages. It was part of the Miao Village. Which also had this:

The snake building is on the right.

It was great inside here. Especially in contrast to the Tibet Buddhist temple which was very dark and oppressive. All the pictures on the wall were scary looking gods/demons trampling men underfoot.

Wyatt also got to ride the zipline!


  1. Looks like fun! The Zip Line that is.

  2. After looking at the pictures again it really looks alot like Ice Tea.
