Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Berry Picking "Yangmei"

The college took us berry picking about an hour outside of Kunming Saturday. It was a beautiful day and so fun. The prepared lunch for us too when we were all done. We have berries coming out of ears! The berry is called yangmei and the English name is waxberry.
We gave some to our tailor friends the Wangs. And when we told them we were headed back to the States, Mr. Wang teared up and turned away. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, it makes all the hardship of coming to China worth it to me. I have often said that marriage is the hardest and best thing you will ever do. I would say China has become a close second. Hard hard hard & good good good.
So now I've been told to prepare for reverse culture shock. So tell me how you plan to shock me??
Blessings on China!
Hello U.S.!

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