Sunday, August 28, 2011

I have a Super Good Hood of MIghtiness!

No this isn't equipment for a role playing game. Sometimes the best things are right under your nose and you don't realize it. Over the last year, we shared some entertaining signs here in China. But on the first day of school, I looked closely at the hood in our college apartment. Lo and behold:

Please don't push the 'weak' button.

I have only 3 classes so far. I teach Monday, Thursday and Friday. Probably English Corner and more classes will be added. One of my classes is the same as last year. It's fun to have the same kids but I'll have to work a little harder planning since I can't just recycle lesson plans.

It was crazy the first day. These pictures are of the basketball courts. Students were still arriving. The dean of my department told me proudly that we have 8,000 NEW students. When I started here, there were about 10,000 TOTAL.

The army truck is for Freshman who leave for military training for 3 weeks, boys and girls, mandatory.


  1. What a great fan! I want the super mightiness one! BTW how can a school add that many new students? Is that because of the new campus? Did they market for that? Are there just that many students in China who can't get into college that when a school expands it automatically fills?

  2. Good questions. Yes because of the new campus in An Ning, they are expanding quickly. I got out of having to go but two foreign teachers are going out there 3 days a week.

    I don't know on the second question but probably yes, it just fills up because of demand. All the colleges are packed around here. Even expensive, low-tier private colleges like ours.
