Monday, August 15, 2011

Kunming Sunrise

So jet lag has it's advantages...... waking up the last two mornings at 3:00am and 5:00am has allowed us to see some amazing sunrises.

What a difference returning to China after our first landing a year ago. It is awesome! I almost have to laugh when I think about all that we didn't know or weren't able to handle ourselves the first time around. I am currently reading a book a friend gave me on the way to the airport "Screams in the Desert!" About a woman's experience moving with her husband and young children to an arab country. The title says it all! We are so much more at ease, it is truly wonderful.
I find that I am able to experience and enjoy so much more, because I am not wound so tight or so unsure about what to do. Of course we still have so much to learn and adjust to, but it is a "bit" more familiar. It feels like we are easing in this time. Just cold showers since we arrived..... but, hey! It's not nearly as cold as the Smith River we were swimming in last week.
We happened to arrive during the Torch Festival and Ghost Day. I will share the links so you can read about them if you like. The pictures are of the burning and kao taoing outside our windows.

Ghost Day:

Torch Festival: (this is a travel site, but it describes the holiday well)

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what's wrong with me but when I have jet lag I've never gotten these wonderful early morning wakeups that everyone talks about. For me it's either that I can never wake up or I can't get to sleep until 5 am. These pictures are wonderful Bobbie!

    As is your story of coming back. What a delight to read.
