Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lotus in Bloom

Today was a fun day. A friend of ours asked Jeff and I to judge their "state fair". What a hoot. She is from Nebraska.......... So for entertainment we went to Da Guan Park where there are rides. You can't have a state fair without rides right? I cut out and photographed and sat among the lotus for a good hour.
I would have to say the lotus is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It is truly a miracle.
Life is picking up tremendously for me since I am not homeschooling this year! Yippee! I will be teaching four days at a private English school and mentoring/training staff. I am really looking forward to it. I am going to have to............. work. Work harder than I thought ;)
Savana and I will head down to Wenshan in a couple of weeks. Things are coming together for her nicely. I can't wait to see where she will be working. We met her roommate last week, and she is awesome!
I also start language back up next week. I am ready. My Chinese is rusty. It has been wonderful to see our househelper Xiao Zhang again, I really missed her. She had an unfortunate accident over the summer. Her daughter jumped on her back while she was eating a bowl of rice, and her face was smashed into the bowl on a table. Her mouth was cut badly and some of her teeth broken. We are working with the International Clinic to get her some help. Please keep her in your thoughts. She is in a tremendous amount of pain.

1 comment:

  1. The lotus flower is a beautiful picture for the journey your entire family has been on together. A true miracle! Thanks for sharing ALL these wonderful pictures with us.
