Thursday, September 22, 2011


While I was at the school this parade passed by. I have no idea what they were celebrating.
Some of the English Immersion students

Can you believe Jeff's back? That freaked me out! Teaching is going well. I feel like I walk the entire city and ride the bus for hours to get to the schools, but not really. Trying to figure out my way around has been quite interesting. My first time on the bus back from teaching, I was trying to figure out where I was, and a friendly older woman had the entire bus entertained trying to tell me where to get off. I was so embarrassed. That was a week ago, and now I feel like I have ridden the bus so many times that I was at the back of the bus taking a nap with all the other Chinese when the friendly lady got on the bus again today and waved "hi"!
My responsibilities continue to grow at the immersion school, and it's happening so fast I don't know what to think. I guess I mainly feel sorry for all those that keep asking my advice or look to me to start a SCHOOL! I thought I was just going to teach English, and now I am teaching half the subjects, writing staff and student policies, choosing curriculum and organizing the schedule. Gd help us all.
My kids are great. Although yesterday one of the girls cut another girl's hair with scissors. The disciplining also seems to be my department. My name is Teach arrrrrrrrrrrrrre. All the kids call me Teach arrrrrrrre. It is too funny. It is great spending time with these kids. We have 5 students right now, but the boss seems slow to add new students. He wants things in order before we take on new students, although visitors seem to come everyday.
We are currently studying Judaism, and will also cover Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism and Hindi. It's always so interesting listening to the kids grapple with these concepts.

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