The stinky canal. Yes, they see me coming.

One of the many businesses along the route.

My Monday night class. They are a lively group! Look what they do to my hair! Well, they and the mosquitoes.

This is such a fun picture. These two girls are Jeff's students. They are now assisting with me Monday nights, and we are currently trying to place them in an internship at the other school I teach at. Wendy on the right and Christine on the left. You may remember Christine from last year, she traveled with us and helped translate when Lexi was on Yunnan TV. We have also mentioned Wendy before, please keep her in your thoughts.

ET assistants and manager. From left to right: Christine, Charlene, Me, Sara (who always comments on my hair, it's a good thing she's so cute!) and Kathy the manager.

Entrance to ET

Card game for money

This woman is such a sweetie! She in our neighborhood's local recycler. She is always smiling and always asking me if I have eaten today.

Sometimes cars decide to drive on the sidewalk
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