Monday, February 13, 2012

Riding Elephants in Thailand

Lotus and Elephants! Two of my favorite things.

One of the best parts of Thailand was getting to ride elephants! So amazing. I rode an elephant once as a little girl when the circus came to Prescott, and I think I realized then what a rare opportunity it was. And ever since it always stuck in my head how surprised I was that they were so hairy! Something I guess you only know if you have the chance to get close to one.

I always wonder about the first person who had the audacity to swing up on a elephant or a horse for the first time. Man is audacious for sure! Riding an elephant is not like riding horse! With each swaggering deep step you feel like you are going to plummet to the ground because their shoulder blades drop about two feet with each step. I guess that's why the trainers ride so close to the head.

An experience of a lifetime! We will have to share about Marway the monkey in another blog....

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