Our story began in 2010 when we were given the opportunity to move our entire family clear across the world to China. We now use the word “opportunity,” but at the time, we would have described our circumstances as difficult and limited.
Living in the San Francisco Bay Area at the time, my husband’s company was hit hard by the recession and we were inevitably facing a lay off. But what we thought was an imminent tragedy turned out to be one of the biggest blessings our family has ever experienced.
We put the question to our kids, at that time a senior and junior in high school and 7th grade middle schooler, “What do you think about moving to China?” After a lot of discussion and much to our surprise, they all three answered with a resounding, “Yes!” So we sold most of our possessions and moved our entire family to Kunming, China to teach English for two years.
We worked closely with neighbors and students, and soon fell in love with the Chinese people. While East and West vary in their poverty and wealth – and not necessarily how you might expect – we began to experience a phenomenon. Each had something to learn from the other.
Out of this journey, very special relationships developed for our family that continue today. It is from this evolution of friendship that the idea of Worldsong Gifts and Jewelry was born – a business to continue our existing relationships and create new ones, and the desire to benefit the poor and women struggling to make ends meet across Asia and perhaps other continents. The name Worldsong captures our vision of a global, like-minded harmony. A vision to bless others through our business, and potentially put women to work through Worldsong’s support.
Our story is shaped by many generous people who offered their support over the last several years. Generosity and encouragement that was bestowed on us whether we needed it or not. Now it is our turn to give back. It is our hope to do unto others what has been done unto us and perhaps be a vehicle for others to get involved.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Luke 6:31
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