Sunday, December 5, 2010


I don't drink coffee anymore. I drink many varieties of Chinese tea (and actually like them). I haven't driven a car (nor owned one) in three months. That hasn't happened since I was fifteen years old. Western food is starting to give me stomach problems, not the local food.

Those are just surface changes. I think all of us are being affected in positive ways that we aren't even aware of yet.

I just finished preparing a 52-slide power point presentation about California. I am giving it four times this week and probably a few more times next week. At 90 minutes a pop, I hope my voice holds up!

I think it may make me a little homesick. Some pictures I included:

I am getting to be more at home here, but California is truly my home! It had felt pretty easy to let it go, but thinking and dwelling it hours and hours has made me really appreciate my roots, my memories, and how beautiful California is.

Here's a China picture. From Tourism B Finals day. Zhou Ming Zhu and Li Jiao are very quiet and very humble students. But they both do a great job and are getting A's!

And here's part of the Tourism B crowd:



  1. Love hearing your thoughts & seeing photos, but not in tune with the "miss CA" thing. Might be different if I were living on the other side of the world, right?

  2. Hi !
    Your are a California Boy- 3rd Generation !
    I discovered that Grampa Joe - my Dad's Dad -was born in Connecticut !!
    Love to ALL !!
