Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Eve

Well, here is a pic of our Christmas Eve, minus Mr Li who is taking our picture. It really was a wonderful experience. There was a lot of laughter and even a few Christmas carols. Our Chinese guests thought it was kind of funny that we were eating lasagna from Italy. None of them had ever tasted lasagna before. Mr and Mrs Wang the tailors are sitting to the left of Lexi. They are such a sweet couple. They told us that their only son had to go live with their parents at the age of 5. Your heart just broke for them as they told the story and watched Ran Ran who is 5 run around the apartment. Their son is now 23 and in the Chinese air force. We are not entirely sure why their son had to leave, but I wonder even now if he ever comes to visit.
Mrs Wang held Lexi's hand most of the night. She was very affectionate and it made me think how prematurely her affections were left unused by the removal of her son at such a young age.
At the end of the night we handed out Streams in the Desert to everyone, and Mrs Wang read for a good while sitting on the couch.
We happen to have a C bookstore right across the street and it was wonderful for Christmas. I found two of my favorite books Streams in the Desert and a Cubbies activity book (Awanas) which we gave to Ran Ran. When I saw them in the store I started crying. Awanas was my first intro to faith, and I can't explain how meaningful it was to find these two books across so many miles in another language. I was so embarrassed to have such an emotional reaction in this tiny store! What is the matter with me??
Lexi has been spending a good amount of time with some of the students. They invited her to their dorm yesterday. Where 8 girls sleep in one small room. Savana has become close to one student in particular. She asked Savana the other day about dating and some decisions she was facing even though she is a few years older. These young adults are so hungry for advice and direction. It is interesting that they ask the kids such deep questions.
We have been invited to a wedding Jan 1st. We are all very excited to get to experience a Chinese wedding. T has become a special friend who works in a shop across the street. I will be sure to sneak some pictures!


1 comment:

  1. yes I read blog and find it fascinating..this is J bgg friend mr. b
