Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Stone Forest

For some reason I am no longer able to post on Cozi. ?? Why I don’t know. It is not uncommon to not be able to access some sites from here. Jeff used to be able to post, but no longer.

We all had a very busy week. The president of our company, her husband and a potential teacher were visiting for a few days. It was wonderful to have visitors from home and we received great encouragement.  The college was very kind and took us all to the famous Stone Forest, and it was wonderful to have a break in our schedule. Unfortunately Jeff had to teach and Savana was sick, so they were not able to come.

Wyatt especially loves these times when we are able to attend banquets with the college. Yesterday duck was on the menu. There is absolutely no stopping Wyatt from devouring everything on the table. He loves it! He is always the last to finish and I always have to tell him enough. It is rude to clean the dishes in China. It is polite to leave a substantial amount of food on the table. This tells the host they have fed you more than enough. However Wyatt has not yet managed the concept.

The hike through the stone forest was beautiful and very different from anything we have seen before. The whole tour was based on a love story, which is typical for China, always a romantic story to attach to nature’s beauty.

Jeff has a very busy teaching schedule starting next week. We are having a Christmas party for the students next Tuesday. We received a wonderful package from home today and we will share the goodies with the students. We are very excited!

Savana starts teaching English next week. She will have 10 students all older than her. She will have a teaching partner her first week and then she is on her own! She is getting excited and looking forward to this opportunity and where it will lead. She takes the SAT this Saturday!

I was asked to consider taking a position to offer support/encouragement and cross cultural training throughout China. I am very nervous and excited. I will be talking to the Father a lot about this, please join me!

We have started to see some fake Christmas Trees! It’s just around the corner. Blessings!



  1. Are we allowed to send you packages? If so let me know what you need/want and Ill rally our group to get it together!

  2. Les Gilman aka Grampa EsDecember 3, 2010 at 12:35 AM

    Hey Family !!
    I love to read about your Amazing Adventure !!
    You are all SO brave,adventurous and Faithful !!
    I am not surprised by Mr Wyatt P F Chang being in VERY happy about the food !!
    VanaVana knock'em dead on the SAT !!
    And my best to J,BJ and L !!

  3. Dear Gilmans,
    Thank you so much for the update. Bobbie, what would the new support position involve? Savana has a wonderful opportunity in teaching English. Good for her!
    Infinities of love, (as Jane Austen used to say)

  4. What a great picture! Thanks Lexi for helping me understand the stone forest. Kudos to Savana for taking yet another step forward. And we are excited about a new cause by which to remember you.

  5. i am figuring out how to say--good read! will

  6. I'm so glad we can respond to photos & blogs! Much more fun & immediate this way. Please tell Savana we will tell father that she is ill, I know he'll want to know because he loves her so very very much. We do too! How long did it take your package to get there? Shall I send the one I have even tho you will be gone after Xmas, or should I wait? Love you guys!

  7. We agree with W. We would finish all of the delicious food on our plate too. Why waste yummy eatings?

  8. Delighted to hear this newest news! The pix are wonderful, and your joy shines through your words. Can't wait for the next installment.

  9. I love the Gilman family and prayed for you this morning. We are all on a journey. Yours is more daring than mine and an inspiration to me.

