Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Best Christmas Party Ever

Merry Christmas! We are missing family, friends and America, especially during the holidays. But we had such a great opportunity last week. Bobbie teaches (and I sometimes help) at two different schools run by the same man. He has a heart to share the truth with local children while helping to improve their English.

The school(s) put on a Christmas party for the children and their families and it was amazing! It started with party hats and ‘horns.’ Actually, at first, I thought I was going to go mad. 75 of these horns being blown at once in a 20’ x 70’ room almost killed me! But of course, the kids loved it.

Bobbie gave a powerpoint presentation on Christmas traditions and symbols and on the true meaning of Christmas. It was very moving. It reminded me of Isaiah 55: 10-11

“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

Wyatt, Lexi and some of their friends did some skits, songs and even magic tricks. A group from Australia led some more Christmas songs and some of the students performed. This is one of Bobbie’s students, John, playing flute. He rocked!

There was a gift exchange and the joy and excitement in the room was palpable as Christmas gifts always are for kids.

It finished with a big feast. There were probably over 150 people and I don’t know how many families.

Our friend and my student Wendy, who we talked about before, also works at the school. Towards the end, she asked if I liked the party. I told her it may be the best Christmas party I’d ever been to. “Really? Why?”

I told her that to me Christmas is really about two things: happy children and the story of J.C. coming to earth and this party did an excellent job of achieving both those things.

Some more pictures:

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