Saturday, December 17, 2011

Floating down the Li River

The foreign teacher staff at Jeff's college
Fishing the Li River

Even the birds fish

Water Buffalo
Grazing on the Li River

Now I understand why they call them water buffalo! So cool. Yes, we are ashamed that it has been almost a month since we have blogged. The time has flown by! Jeff finished finals this past week and his last class will be Friday. Then he has 2 months off! Crazy I know. Savana came home again today, and will be here until mid February. Between Christmas, New Years and Chinese New Year there is a lot of down time.
I have 2 weeks off with the kids for Christmas, except for 2 evening classes. Tomorrow we are presenting the Christmas story to 100-150 people. Jeff and I are doing a power point and the kids are going to sing, do a skit and some magic tricks! It is seriously going to be insane! Hope to post pictures.
We are so thrilled to have our little family together this Christmas. We are counting our blessings and wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. An a VERY Merry Christmas to ALL of YOU!!
    Miss you SO much!!
    SOON ( kinda)!!
    LOVE TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
