Well, here we are at our second spot in Thailand, Dolphin Bay. I feel like it is a throwback to the 50’s when east coasters would spend a good portion of their summers in the Pocono’s and perhaps still do at a camp-like resort. It is simply fabulous and I feel like every muscle and bone is melting into a relaxation I have never known.
We are deep in the tropics, and it is an entirely different feel. The temperature this time of year seems to be exactly body temperature day and night as well as the ocean. So strange. Humid, but perfect. I have smooth jazz playing on the computer while I write, Jeff and Wyatt exclaim every once in a while across the lawn during their ping pong game. The girls are napping while the coconut trees gently sway. My view is green grass, palm trees, a beautiful pool with a dramatic slide and then a hop skip and a jump………. the beautiful aqua sea.
Jealous? Well, the tropics are not for everyone. Asia is not for everyone.
We are here in Thailand for our yearly retreat. There are no words to describe the desperate need to collapse after the intensity China demands of you. Of course I continue to learn more from the veterans living this life. When you come out of country you crash, your system lets down you get sick and cry ;) You might even sob after you realize how long you have been holding your breath in a country that still does not offer all the things familiar to a westerner. After so much work of trying to jam your round plump body into a square peg, you are a little bruised and a little confused.
Thailand is a lovely combination of east meets west. With a large German and French influence….. many speak English and there is bread and ice cream. What more does a westerner need? It is entirely clear to me why the bible says that Jesus is “the bread of life” and not the rice of life. Is there any comparison?
But, of course Thailand is Asia and not all is bliss although the pictures look it. Jeff got bit by some nasty insect (Dr. thinks it's an ant) that blistered his entire foot and ankle. It has had him to the hospital 3 times, and keeps him from many pleasures and necessities.
Also witness: an inch-and-a-half cockroach in the bread basket last night, a tick on my shoulder, monstrously vicious mosquitos, and fire ants ready to advance an army attack at any given moment.
But, it rarely smells bad and my poor soft brain gets a rest from the demanding grind of Chinese. And the thought police are off duty. I can scream a great big “Hallelujah” and a “Praise God!” if I wanna. Maybe you don’t want to, but when it’s taken away, you start to think a little different a little deeper about it.
We have run into several families here from China. This is where so many westerners flock every year during Chinese New Year. The four weeks of Chinese fireworks just about send you to the loony bin, so good friends and neighbors happen to be staying where we are. Of course it’s not just the fireworks that send westerners here, but the dentist, health care and many company retreats and conferences for companies like ours.
It’s a beautiful wonderful life we have. But, it’s hard and harder still. So grateful for the challenge and adventure, but also for a small time out and rest!