Another sunrise picture from our apartment. See the cranes? There may be more high rises going up just in Kunming than in all of the Western United States right now.
Okay, so this is kind of a strange post and maybe even a commercial. But I found something really cool today.
I finished reading Theories of Second Language Learning for the other college this week. I read it into a digital recorder so that English learners can listen as they read along.
It was a really dry, academic book. Try saying out loud (over and over again) words like, nativization, denativization, markedness, creolization, pidginization, decreolization and depidginization. This book is tough for a native English speaker to understand (me, who has an English degree) let alone some poor Chinese grad student who has to slog through this thing in his second language!
But I don't have to think and it's a way to earn a little extra income during the break, which we're very thankful for.
Savana is doing it too and we weren't sure how to deliver the files once she's back in WenShan. MP4 files are big, too big to email.
I finished reading Theories of Second Language Learning for the other college this week. I read it into a digital recorder so that English learners can listen as they read along.
It was a really dry, academic book. Try saying out loud (over and over again) words like, nativization, denativization, markedness, creolization, pidginization, decreolization and depidginization. This book is tough for a native English speaker to understand (me, who has an English degree) let alone some poor Chinese grad student who has to slog through this thing in his second language!
But I don't have to think and it's a way to earn a little extra income during the break, which we're very thankful for.
Savana is doing it too and we weren't sure how to deliver the files once she's back in WenShan. MP4 files are big, too big to email.
I was trying to figure out if we could set up an FTP site (which is really old school) or some other solution when I found this: Dropbox. You get free 2G of storage and you can share it between home and work, multiple computers and multiple people for free. Very handy.
Disclaimer: If you sign up from the link above, I get more free space. ; }
Tomorrow (Tuesday) is the last day for packing and getting ready for Thailand. Everyone is mostly over their colds, except poor Savana, who is just starting. So keep her in your thoughts. We are hoping to thaw out our bones in warmer weather down there and come back rested and healthy to tackle next semester.
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