We've all had pretty bad colds. Wyatt had walking pneumonia and Bobbie and I ended up with bronchitis. We are really grateful for the international clinic. Many of the doctors are friends. We're on the mend.
We are really enjoying having Savana with us as her clinic is also taking a break for Spring Festival.
I am finding that what had been so unfamiliar last year has become familiar this year. I had a long bus ride yesterday and as I looked at the faces I was reminded of how it felt last year to be out and about. Walking on campus, riding the bus, riding a taxi was a constant "Oh Wow" last year because it was so completely foreign. Then, we were learning to live and survive, but the excitement made us want to embrace it all.
This year, a lot of the 'wow' impact isn't there, which in many ways is a good thing. We are so much more comfortable and settled. And I think our focus has narrowed, we've found our niche and that niche is about the people that are in our life.
Several local friends are coming over tonight for dessert. We are excited because one of them is going to tell us the story of how she grew up.
We continue to be grateful for the opportunity to be here.
We leave for our annual company/meeting retreat in Thailand on January 18th.
And finally, here's a groom carrying his bride. Away from the apartment, after the fireworks. Sorry I can't explain it more, cause I don't know!
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