I finished re-reading the Silmarillion over our Hong Kong trip. It’s amazing how He’s used Tolkien to teach me things over the years. This time it was about letting go. There’s a character named Feanor who makes three jewels and they are the most beautiful in the world. They are the ‘silmarils’ which gives the book its title. Feanor’s ability to craft beautiful things is unsurpassed and he encloses the light of heaven (which he did not create) in the jewels.
But his selfishness, pride and lust for the jewels leads to the triumph of evil, division of families, bloodshed and much misery. So how does that relate to me? I am having to face the fact that Savana and Lexi are going to be leaving soon. For those of you who’ve known us a long time, you may have heard the story that Savana had periventricular heart contractions (PVCs) even before she was born. They discovered this during labor at the hospital and we weren’t sure how she would be affected. They warned us of the worst but said it would probably be okay. I remember clearly, even before she was born, that I had to hand her over to Him. She didn’t really belong to us anyway. So we did. We trusted. Of course she was born beautiful and healthy and the PVCs had faded before she even started school.
However, I realized this last week that I’d really never ‘handed over’ Lexi in the same way. I was still ‘holding on’ to her. These kids all have the light of heaven in them, but I didn’t create that light. It’s time to let go. Not stop loving them, but to let go. But not Wyatt quite yet…
: )