The above picture is of Tina the bride and her parents. The wedding was not a traditional Chinese wedding, it was a bit western. The top picture is what Tina changed into after the wedding. This is the bright clothing of her minority group, they do beautiful embroidery.
My friendship with Tina is interesting. Way back when are friend was leaving for the states and offered me her house helper while she was traveling, it was Tina. The first day I met her my friend was introducing us and trying to arrange her working with us. I could tell right away that she was uncomfortable and that she was reluctant to commit. The next day my friend told me that Tina would not work for us and she went out and hired another woman that same day she was leaving for the states......... Xiao Zhang. This was all unknown to me, but over time I started to put two and two together. My friend was insistent that I have help, so she paid TWO house helpers. It wasn't until 3 months later when our was returning from the States and Xiao Zhang would be expected to go back to our friend that I put all the pieces together. Xiao Zhang wanted to continue working with our family, and not return to our friend who...... she had actually never worked for before. Needless to say I was confused, but quickly realized my friend had duped me so that I would have free help and realize I could not live without Xiao Zhang.
Tina meanwhile worked in a store across the street from us. I was concerned that she would feel awkward with me because she didn't want to work with us, so I took her a very large garbage bag of vegetables. She speaks very good English and we instantly hit it off. Over time we shared our struggles with each other, and it turned out we were both wrestling with a similar issue....itching!
Eleven months ago I had a surgical procedure where I reacted to the drugs and itched for 9 miserable months. It is one of the more challenging things I have gone through. Tina had been struggling with an infection in her outer ear for three long years. She had already had surgery and was due for another. You could see how painful her ear was. I think Tina was very surprised to find that this American woman from a very wealthy country was itching just like her.
We committed to praying for each other and it felt like a miracle. We both got better together!! We are both happy to say we are itch free! One of Tina's concern was that she didn't want to look ugly on her wedding day because of her ear. Needless to say she was beautiful! Prayer works! And there is a purpose for everything we go through, even itching.
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