Wednesday, January 12, 2011


This is currently my favorite Chinese breakfast. I have no idea what it's called. This lady sets up her stand near the college. She's there from "o'dark hundred" (as my Dad would say) until about 9am. So on Wednesdays and Thursdays during school I'd always get one. Many cars and vans wait at this intersection in the morning, their drivers trying to get hired to take people from this neighborhood into town. You can see one in the background. It always cracks them up when I stop there and they especially thought it hilarious when I asked her permission to take this picture. They were teasing both of us. But she was a good sport and is always very friendly when I drop by.

It's some sort of deep fried bread, filled with a little bit of green onions and sausage. Really, really good. It costs 1 RMB or about fifteen cents in US Dollars. is over. I've been to the college only once since classes ended and it's never before 9am. So I'm having withdrawal symptoms. Every weekday in the US, I ate instant oatmeal at the office. Can't get it here. Typically we eat vanilla yogurt and I've started eating two hard boiled eggs every morning. Wyatt often gets jiaozi (Chinese dumplings) and everyone likes these thick Chinese pancakes you can get across form the jiaozi place. They are a bit heavy for me. Cereal is a fairly rare luxury. It's pretty expensive.

We are leaving for Hong Kong this Sunday for the retreat and are looking forward to it.

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