Saturday, January 8, 2011

Random thoughts

Random thoughts:

Lately I have had too many things to blog about. There are so many things that I feel like deserve an entire page, but it’s overwhelming to do

Blogging is exhausting; it takes it out of me

So does that mean I am a writer of not, does everyone feel this way when they blog or write a book?

Babies/toddlers poop and pee right on the sidewalk, elevators anywhere they need to, there is a slit in their pants so they can go when ready

You have to watch your step in so many ways

Last night was a beautiful night at the park while we listened to the most amazing musician we have heard here yet

It is not uncommon to see 50 or so musicians playing at the park

Last night for the first time we saw a man writing calligraphy on the sidewalk with water and a paint brush almost as tall as him, I wish I knew what he was writing

The bus continues to always be interesting, a while back an older woman commented on how white my skin was and how dark and ugly hers was. This makes me sad. A woman asked Lexi if she takes injections to whiten her skin. So many take injections and use cream with bleach

There are many friendly people on the bus. Once I got up for an older woman to take my seat and after she sat she whacked me (a friendly whack) to hang on to her chair so that I wouldn’t fall. Then when the person got up in front of her, she whacked me again to take the seat so I wouldn’t have to stand. Physical kindness

Yesterday wyatt was riding his skateboard and a man came up behind him and grabbed him and pulled him off his board and starting pointing and laughing at his hair. He wouldn’t let go of his wrist while he continued to point and laugh. Wyatt came back frustrated. Not so friendly

Having a really hard time making decisions

Made one of the best meals here so far last night. a chinese friend who ran a thai restaurant in the states gave me a recipe for thai chicken and sticky rice……mmmmmmm I was full for the first time in a long time

Struggling with food

It’s starting to all taste the same, it was nice to have something different for the palette

Strawberries are in season here, they are everywhere and wonderful. Making a lot of strawberry sauce. Blend strawberries and add a bit of sugar and pour it over anything and everything, especially pound or yellow cake

Familiar food helps, but still takes a lot of time. Made salad for the first time tonight since I’ve been here

Took an hour to wash everything with vinegar.

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