I don’t have a class until March 1. Wow.
We are in the post-holiday lulls, although the poor kids have to get cracking tomorrow on schoolwork again. We are realizing we are in the “Inner Contradictions” and even “Inner Crisis” stages of culture shock as shown in the picture. We've been here four months. We really went all out for the holidays and it drained us a bit. Bobbie & I especially are dealing with issues of uncertainty, losing confidence, and even a little depression and crisis. But it helps to have information about culture shock that ERRC provided. The struggle is natural and allowing yourself to feel it and work through it to the other side is better than denial. Denial can create bitterness and more isolation. I think the Hong Kong retreat is coming at a good time. One of the suggestions is to get out of your typical environment for a bit. That’s what we’ll be doing. Leaving January 16th is probably just what the Shock-Doctor ordered. We’ll be there til the 27th. We’ll also be there for all three of our birthdays: Me, Savana & Bobbie. Big milestones: Bobbie & I will be 40 and Savana 18. We hope to do some sightseeing and fun stuff to recoup and celebrate.
Big decisions for me are always difficult. The process is often bumpy for us and when you layer in the culture shock and having to make decisions about China, it’s super tough. Should I get a Master’s Degree? Does Savana take a gap year or go to college? What do we do about school next year for Lexi and Wyatt? Do we move to another city?
We’ve been trying to tackle all these things which sure magnifies feelings of inner contradiction and definitely contribute to inner crisis. But we have a friend who sticks closer than a brother and we’ll make it through.
I am going to apply to Azusa Pacific’s Master’s in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). It’s a 30 month program that I can do while still teaching here. Winter breaks I take classes in Thailand and summer breaks in Azusa, SoCal.
Savana may have an opportunity to work next year in Wen Shan, which is on the border of Viet Nam to the southeast of us. During the gap year, she would work with orphans and it would include physical therapy and music therapy, all of which she is very passionate about.
We are looking into possibly moving to Shanghai next year for many different reasons.
Lots of possibilities, opportunities and changes. Please keep us in your thoughts for wisdom, provision and making the right decisions. Happy New Year!
Probably easier to ease into the transition in Shanghai. One recent TED Talk was Brene Brown (The Power of Vulnerability) and the gist of it was being vulnerable and enjoying it increases your joy. I always think when/if I move to China even though I'll love to learn about the culture I won't necessarily adopt it per se. Just be yourself and don't feel pressure to change into someone your not and you'll do fine in the mental battle arena.
ReplyDeleteYou are in our thoughts. Olivia and Emma were just talking about you all and they are often thinking about you before bed. Let us know if there is anything we can do and if you ever want to talk let me know.
ReplyDeleteI know that you guys and He are on a first name basis.You ARE doing fine.