Yesterday we heard fire crackers go off at 9:00am. Which isn't all that unusual since we are so close to Chinese New Year. However, the fire crackers were for a funeral. The fire crackers are to scare off evil spirits.
The procession started in our courtyard and probably a hundred people walked with the casket. I have no idea how far they carried the casket, but it was a good distance. Everybody wore a white head band which I think symbolized that they were part of the family.
Immediately after the first set of fire crackers the hired wailers started mourning. It was a sound I will never forget, it went right through me.
Because the procession started here, I image the deceased body came from an apartment here, where the body was cared for. Something so foreign to Americans. We are so distant from the dead. Here, I imagine the body lies in a home for days and the family helps tend to it, until it is time for the burial.
We are anticipating a talking to, keep us in your thoughts. We need peace and wisdom.
You have been in our thoughts.